Faded goods and objects that eke out their existence behind shop windows are a nuisance for every retailer. Our UV protective films protect your goods from fading.
UV protective films for industry, commerce and private use. Your competent contact for the nationwide installation of protective films for over 40 years.
Our special UV protection films can protect goods and objects from fading. Applied to your shop windows, they block incoming UV light by up to 98 percent.
Faded goods and objects that eke out their existence behind shop windows are a nuisance for every retailer. They can no longer be sold and a deficit in income arises.
Our special UV protection films can protect goods and objects from fading. Applied to your shop windows and glass panes, they block up to 98 percent of incoming UV light. This delays the fading of your displayed products.
But it's not just your exhibited items that can be affected by UV light. Carpets, wood, plastic and leather also fade over time.
Fading is not only a problem for retailers, but also for museums and galleries. In retail in particular, roller blinds or curtains, which can also block UV light, are not an alternative. Customers would no longer be able to see the goods on display, which would not promote sales. In other areas too, it is not always desirable to provide every window with roller blinds or textile protection.
Retailers in particular can benefit from our UV protection films. They are also ideal for use in museums, laboratories or doctor's offices. You can expect the following benefits:
The clear and transparent films from AQUASUN are the ideal solution if you are looking for high-quality and inexpensive UV protection for glass surfaces. On request, they are also available as a special film that can even be used for hypersensitive skin. With our special films, people with moonlight children syndrome do not have to live in the dark, but can enjoy daylight - without harmful UV rays.
Our UV protection films can also be used in private areas. You can use our special films to protect your sensitive skin, especially if you have very light skin or suffer from a skin disease. In such a case, we recommend our special films, which offer protection over 380nm. This way, you can protect your health in the long term and turn a simple glass into a functional glass in just a few steps.
Don't let the sun unleash its destructive power on your objects and goods, but protect them behind the shop window or other glass surfaces with the help of our UV protection films.
Our UV protection films can be cleaned with simple commercially available cleaners. They are maintenance-free and durable. Our experts can apply them to the glass surfaces. Since the films have a high-quality surface seal, they are not susceptible to scratches or streaks. You will therefore be able to enjoy them for a long time.
We at AQUASUN see ourselves as your contact for all types of films and blinds. Benefit from our many years of experience and receive comprehensive, non-binding advice on our UV protection films. If you would like to arrange an appointment with us, please use our contact form or contact us by email or telephone. We look forward to hearing from you.
Az Aquasun UV védőfóliák kiszűrik az UV sugárzást. Így az áruk/bútorok elhalványulása késleltethető, de nem akadályozható meg 100%-ban. Az UV védőfólia ellenére a dekorációs ciklust be kell tartani, és nem szabad meghosszabbítani. Ez megvédi áruit a fakulástól. Ezek a fóliák különböző árnyalatokban kaphatók, és belülről vannak telepítve.
Az alkalmazási terület elsősorban a múzeumokat és a kiváló minőségű termékek kiskereskedelmét foglalja magában.
Az, hogy mennyi ideig késleltetheti a fakulást, az áruk/bútorok színeinek fényállóságától is függ.
Átlátszó UV-védőfóliánk bármilyen típusú üvegre felvihető a termikus üvegtörés kockázata nélkül. A színezett fóliák megvalósíthatóságát ellenőrizni kell.
Kétrétegű UV védőfóliánk nemcsak a ragasztóban, hanem minden PET rétegben rendelkezik UV abszorberekkel. Így ez a fólia magasabb UV-védelemmel rendelkezik, mint más fóliák.