Individuality and numerous options for designing your interior are characteristics of our surface films. They set accents at home and in the office. Turning “old” into “new” is the motto for our surface films.
Surface films for industry, commerce and private use. Your competent contact for the nationwide installation of protective films for over 40 years.
High-quality surface films from the current collection surprise with their design and design options. With over 200 different types, any wood or stone structure can be represented.
High-quality surface films from the current collection surprise with their design and durability. With over 200 different types, any wood or stone structure can be represented. In addition, there are a variety of colors, metal structures and design options.
Our surface films turn “old” into “new”. Your furniture, walls or objects will have a completely new look.
From simple surfaces you can conjure up a design piece that is clear and unique.
Furniture foils and their advantages at a glance
Our surface films allow you to design your rooms creatively and with a focus on design. Partition walls, cupboards and doors are popular places to use them. Even walls can be retrofitted. Elevator cabins, tables... the possibilities are endless.
Since 1978, Aquasun has been one of your competent partners when it comes to protective films, roller blinds, slats or pleated blinds. From individual advice to installation by our own staff, you will find all services with us.
Our surface films can be used on all flat surfaces. Long-lasting, easy to clean and individually usable, they set accents in the office.
Surface films enhance and refine your rooms. Work with us to implement your ideas and visions.
Have we convinced you of our surface films or are you looking for further information or advice? Then call us or send us an email. Our contact form will be of assistance. We will be happy to advise you comprehensively and answer all of your questions about our products. Arrange a consultation with us now. We look forward to hearing from you.
Minden bútorfóliánk PVC-ből készül, és akril ragasztóval öntapadós. A fólia hővel deformálható, így az élek köré is ragasztható. Égésgátló, antibakteriális hatású és könnyen kezelhető. A robusztus felület alkalmassá teszi a mindennapi használatra. Mindazonáltal minden bútorfólia fogyóeszköz - minél gondosabb a kezelés, annál hosszabb az élettartam.
Minden sima és sík felületre ragaszthatók. Bútorfóliáinkat általában bútorok, ajtók és falak burkolására használjuk.
Nem. Bútorfóliáink nem használhatóak kültéren, mert nem időjárásállóak. Ez azért van, mert a kültéri telepítés élettartama nagyon rövid lenne.
Igen. A bútorfólia fürdőszobákban és konyhákban használható, mert a fólia vízálló.
A tisztítást vízzel, szappanos vízzel és puha ruhával végezzük. Nincs szükség speciális tisztítószerekre. Kérjük, vegye figyelembe ápolási utasításainkat is.